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Name Your Price!

Name your price sale kitemana

It's time for a Name Your Price Sale at Kitemana! What would you like to pay for a new kite, kiteboard, bar or accessories from our website? Tell us and maybe you'll make the deal of your life this time! You decide what you pay!

How it works? Do you have a kite, board, harness or combination of products in mind and you think the price can be even better than on our website? Then make us a reasonable offer! Send your bid via email to tom@kitemana.nl and leave your telephone number. We will consider your offer and accept your offer or reply you a counter offer. We will contact you by telephone to complete the deal.


  • This promotion runs on 22nd untill 24th of May 2019
  • The promotion is valid on all products on the website
  • Mail us and with the products, the bid, your telephone number and the address where the items may go
  • Your bid will be considered if it is a reasonable bid

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