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Kitesurf Equipment Check

kitesurf Equipment check

Are you done staring at the TV and can't wait until you can get back on the water for a nice kite session? Then perhaps this is the right time to thoroughly check your kitesurfing materials. Below we have prepared a handy checklist for a complete check of your kitesurfing equipment. This way, you will soon be able to go to the water with peace of mind and the chance of material breakdown will be a lot smaller.

Kite Check

  • First check the fabric for small tears / holes
  • Hold the kite against the light so that you can see all the weak spots
  • Check the bridles for wear, are the pulleys still sliding?
  • Check the pigtails well. Replace it if the knots / loops fray
  • Pump up the kite and check whether it stays rock hard for at least an hour. If possible, close the one pump tubes so that you can quickly see where the kite empties
  • Check all seams

    Bar Check

  • Safety double check! Release the bar several times to make sure the safety system works flawlessly
  • Check your depower cord and replace it on time. In most cases this is easy to do yourself
  • Carefully check the lines for knots in the lines. A knot makes the line 50% weaker.
  • If you want to replace a line, always do this in groups of two. So if 1 power line runs out, replace both power lines to avoid a crooked bar.
  • Is the Depower System still working properly and no wear can be seen here?
  • Check if your lines are all the same length after you have fully powered the bar. If not, please contact us

    Kiteboard Check

  • Unscrew and tighten all your screws to make sure they are not oxidized
  • Check your entire kiteboard for any damage and dents, especially at the tips and rail. Larger damage can cause the board to eventually fill with water and the board to get a big weak spot.

    Tips for optimal life of your kite quiver

    Now that you have learned more about checking your kitesurfing equipment, it might be useful to give you some tips for maintaining your kitegear. Below you can read some tips and tricks to keep your kite, board and accessories as good as possible.

  • Never leave the kite on the beach for too long after a session, especially with strong wind, the fabric can be damaged by this and the coating will come off
  • Never pack up the kite wet. This can cause "weather" or fungus to settle in the kite. This not only looks ugly, but can also damage the fabric
  • Do not crash the kite on land or on rough surfaces, so go directly into the water
  • Be careful with high waves that can crash into the kite and release the kite in time when necessary
  • Rinse everything, except your kite, with cold tap water after the session and let it drain / dry afterwards

    Kite Repair

    You have thoroughly checked your kite, bar and kiteboard, great! Now it is time for maintenance and possible repairs. You are of course very welcome in our repair center to have your kitegear repaired professionally. If you prefer to fix your kite yourself, read on below for handy tips & tricks. View here all repair products for your kite.

    Ripstop Repair

    You can fix small tears in the Ripstop of your kite with special dacron or nylon tape. This tape is super strong and waterproof, so that your kite is as good as new after sticking. Cut the tape around and stick it on the inside and outside of the kite for a strong connection. Make sure you first degrease the inside and outside and make the kite is sand and dust free before you start taping. If you have a large damage on the kite, we recommend to visit our repair center for a professional repair.

    Bladder repair

    Do you have a hole in the tube or bladder of your kite, or maybe it is leaking at a valve. Than check the video below from pro rider Tom Court about repairing a kite bladder. If you get a hole in your leading edge or a leak in one of the stuts in the kite, this is how you should fix it. In this video, Tom fixes the leading edge bladder because it is by far the most difficult to do. Learn all the skills and tricks to fix a bladder like a pro here! Then use Tear-Aid to fix the bladder.

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