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F-One Trigger 2023 Kite

The F-one Trigger 2023 is the new big air flagship from F-one. Are you looking for extreme height and loads of lift? Then the Trigger is definitely a kite for you. With a light bar pressure, new style trailing edge and stable 5 strut design, the Trigger has everything to take on the competition in the big air segment.

  • Big Air | freeride
  • 5 strut design
  • High V split
  • New style trailing edge
  • Technoforce D2 ripstop
  • F-One - Trigger 2023 Kite

    £ 1.121,73 (€1305.79)

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    Intro Trigger 2023 Kite The F-one Trigger 2023 is the new big air flagship from F-one. Are you looking for extreme height and loads of lift? Then the Trigger is definitely a kite for you. With a light bar pressure, new style trailing edge and stable 5 strut design, the Trigger has everything to take on the competition in the big air segment.

  • Big Air | freeride
  • 5 strut design
  • High V split
  • New style trailing edge
  • Technoforce D2 ripstop
  • Product Information

    F-one Trigger 2023 Kite

    Brand new big air kite from F-one: F-one Trigger!

    The F-one Trigger 2023 is a completely new kite from F-one with which they want to take on the competition in the big air kite segment. The F-one Trigger is made for nothing more than jumping as high as possible, floating as long as possible and pulling kiteloops as easily as possible. That is why the F-one Trigger has a five strut profile to compete with kites such as the Core XR7 and the North Orbit.

    That F-one has developed a new five strut kite in addition to the Bandit comes as a surprise, but certainly not a strange choice. The Bandit simply really lacks to the top kites in the big air segment, which is why F-one has developed the new Trigger kite. The main difference between the Trigger and the F-one Bandit is in the super smooth pull up the Trigger gives you, and the incredibly floaty hangtime when compared to the Bandit. This is due to the more high aspect, 5 strut shape of the F-one Trigger. In gusty conditions, the 5 strut design also gives you a lot of advantage. The five struts ensure that the Trigger remains super stable in the air, more stable than a three strut like the Bandit. As a result, the F-one Trigger feels incredibly solid in the most extreme conditions to give you the confidence to go higher than ever.

    A big air kite must of course have a very good depower to keep you on the water for as long as possible in strong winds. And the F-one Trigger has that too! This in combination with the light bar pressure makes it a piece of cake for you to conquer any storm. Another advantage of the light bar pressure is that you can easily keep the bar pulled towards you in strong winds so as not to miss an inch of height. Despite the light bar pressure, the Trigger steers surprisingly quickly and precisely for a 5 strut kite.

    The Trigger has a new special trailing edge with staggered panels whose canvas is just not at right angles pointed towards the LE. This new style of trailing edge is also used in the F-one Bandit 2023. This new style ensures that the trailing edge is more stable in the air both during steering and directly above you when the Trigger creates lift. In addition, all strut bumpers are integrated to create the smoothest possible surface, which also results in a more stable kite.

    The Trigger is now the 100% big air kite from F-one. Do you want to launch yourself in the air as high as possible, as long as possible and stable as possible with your twintip. Then definitely go for the F-one Trigger.

    Features F-one Trigger 2023 Kite

  • Big Air | freeride
  • 5 strut design
  • Incredible hang time
  • Amazing vertical pull
  • Light bar pressure
  • High aspect
  • Staggered Seams
  • Force Frame
  • Technoforce D2 ripstop
  • High V split
  • New pulley

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    • 15.000+ products on stock
    • Your ultimate kite specialist. Contact our CS for any questions


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